Sec-129# fast alkaline etchant

2019-09-23 653

one、 Overview

Fast alkaline etchant sec-onetwenty-nine# is a copper ammonia etchant, which has the advantages of simple control, stable operation, high copper dissolution, small side corrosion, fast etching speed and so on. It is widely used in printed circuit technology with gold nickel, tin, dry film, liquid photosensitive ink and some printing ink as protective layer.

Fast alkaline etchant sec-onetwenty-nine # is based on the original ec-3two8 # to enhance the regeneration ability, increase the etching speed by 30%, and completely avoid the formation of sediment.

Fast alkaline etchant sec-onetwenty-nine# series products include:
one、SEC-onetwenty-nine#Etching salt.
two、SEC-onetwenty-nine#Etching (replenishment) solution: sec-onetwenty-nine per one00 liters#Etching salt two8KG, ammonia 45L and water.
3、SEC-onetwenty-nine#Etching additive: add one-two% as needed to maintain the etching speed and prevent deposition.

two、 Technical indicators(SEC-onetwenty-nine#Etching salt)
two. Etching coefficient: two.50 (spray method)
3. Etching speed: about 3.0 mil / min (50 ℃), pH = 8.9, two.5kg/cmtwoone.twotwo0Kg/L)
4. Operating parameters of working fluid:

Temperature 45-55 ℃

PH 值 8.two—8.9

密度 one.two00—one.two30



3、 Packaging and storage

4、 Equipment

The parts of relevant equipment in contact with etching solution shall be made of alkali resistant chemical erosion resistant materials such as polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polyethylene or stainless steel. When using synthetic materials, it is necessary to operate at the temperature that the material can tolerate to prevent deformation. Good sealing can not only reduce the escape of ammonia in the solution, but also improve the environment of the workplace.

The ventilation system should be as few as possible, as long as it can maintain a little negative pressure so that ammonia does not pollute the air in the workplace. Excessive air extraction will cause excessive escape of ammonia in the working fluid, resulting in unstable operating conditions, sediment deposition and low speed.

5、 Preparation of make-up liquid

one、補充液的組成:SEC—onetwenty-nine#蝕刻鹽two8 % (W/V)

two5% 氨水 45 % (V/V)

3. Parameters of make-up liquid:


PH value 9.6-9.9


6、 Working fluid control method

two、調整:Low pH value indicates that the ammonia content in the solution is insufficient, which may lead to copper ion deposition. The pH value can be improved by supplementing ammonia or supplement solution; If the pH value is too high, it will increase the escape of ammonia, waste materials and make the workplace environment bad.
The copper content can be roughly reflected by the solution density value. Too low or too high will slow down the etching speed. If the density does not rise to a reasonable level, it is often accompanied by the phenomenon of too low pH value (insufficient ammonia content).

7、 Laboratory analysis

According to the general test method of copper ammonia complex. The company and dealers can also provide customers with free testing services.

8、 Explain/Sediment problem:


The slurry deposition in the working solution is mainly the hydrate of the double salt of cuprous chloride and ammonium chloride. After the deposition is formed, not only the etching speed is reduced, but also the nozzle is blocked. Because it cannot be stirred in the etching machine, this kind of sediment is difficult to dissolve once it is formed, so the formation of sediment must be prevented.

The way to prevent deposition is to ensure sufficient oxidation capacity to maintain the Cu + concentration at a low level. This is also the control method of various commercial etchants.
