155# film cleaner (flame retardant)

2022-03-03 572

Film cleanerSEC-onefivefive#It is a quick drying electrostatic cleaning agent composed of low boiling solvent. It is suitable for cleaning and removing static electricity of various silver salt films (black film) and diazo films (yellow film).本品取代含have正己烷、正庚烷等的Film cleaner应用于印制板工业,以消除正己烷的神经毒性给使用者带来的危害。本品No benzene toxic substancesThe main component is halogenated substance, belonging to the second categoryClass 6 toxicchemical.

Physicochemical properties:This product is colorlesshardIt burns volatile liquid and has a slight aromatic smell,have毒。no溶于水,与石油烃具haveHigh dilution ratio. Boiling point aboutfortyNo flash point, ignition point exceedingsix hundred℃ 。

product quality:appearance colorless liquid

density one.3five±zero point zero two

boilingPoint, aboutforty

noVolatiles,% ≤0.00ten

water content,% ≤0.0five

package Installation:20L / barrel, one8.9L(fivegal)/Bucketone-fiveL/Can, tinplate or polyethylene plastic container

This product needsdenseclosepackage装。

usage method:Wipe with dust-free cleaning paperOr spray with a sprayer before using a dustless paper.Just wipe it.

matters needing attention:


2、The workplace shall be ventilated to prevent gas accumulation.

Storage and safety:

one、This product isClass 6 toxic品no得与食品混存,工作场所须保持空气流通

2. In case of leakage, keep ventilation to prevent leakagecanburnsteamstayLow lying placeAccumulation. This product is from the air

Explosion rangeonefive.five-sixty-six%



Good health. Therefore, air circulation in the workplace should be maintained as far as possible.