2022-03-02 432
1、 OverviewIsopropanol, scientific name2-propanol, also known as its English abbreviation IPA. The molecular formula is chthree COH CHthree, molecular weight58.08。It is an isomer of n-propanol. Colorl
2022-03-02 445
Indicative formula:CHthreeCOOH,relative molecular masssixty point zero five。nature:Acetic acid is also called acetic acid(three6%--three8%)、冰醋acid(98%),化学式CHthreeCOOH, an organic monobasic acid, is th
2022-03-02 426
Common nameAnhydrous alcohol.Molecular formula:CtwoHfiveO. Indicative formula: ChthreeCHtwoOH. Molecular weight: four6.0seven[Nature]Colorless, transparent, flammable and volatile liquid. It has
2022-03-02 461
The molecular formula isHNOthreePhysicochemical properties: pure nitric acid is a colorless fuming liquid, and the general commodity is slightly yellow. Nitric acid is irritant and unstable. It will d
2022-03-02 437
one、 Overview:Nitric acidCAS No. 7six hundred and ninety-seven-thirty-seven-two,Hazard code No8one00two,UNtwo0threeone。Molecular formulaHNOthree. molecular weight6three00。Is commonly usedOne of the th
2022-03-02 427
Trade name: soda ash(Dense Soda Ash)Synonymous name: anhydrous sodium carbonate(Anhydrous sodium carbonate)Other names: soda(Soda Ash)Molecular formula:NatwoCOthreemolecular weight:one hundred and fiv
2022-03-02 470
IGeneralStateMolecular formula NatwoCOthreemolecular weightone hundred and five.ninenine。 Also known as soda ash. Anhydrous pure product is white powder (light) or granular material (heavy), with astr
2022-03-02 436
Molecular formulaKtwoCOthree ,molecular weight one hundred and thirty-eight.twoone。nature:White powder or fine grain crystal (heavy). proportiontwo.fourtwo8,熔点89one℃。易溶于水,其水溶液呈碱性。有很强的吸湿性,若长期暴露在空气中会吸收空
2022-03-02 434
Scientific namehydrogen peroxide, the molecular formula isHtwoOtwo,molecular weight3four.01。nature:hydrogen peroxide为无色透明的液体。比重onefourfourtwotwo(twofive℃)。沸点1fifty.two℃。溶于水、醇、醚。极不稳定,遇热、光、粗糙表面、重金属及其它杂质
2022-03-02 439
Molecular formulaNaOH,molecular weight forty.00。nature:This product is a flake white solid. It is highly hygroscopic, easily soluble in water and strongly exothermic. The aqueous solution is colorless