Dilute nitric acid 1712

2022-03-02 354

one、 Overview:

Nitric acidCAS No. 7six hundred and ninety-seven-thirty-seven-twoHazard code No8one00two,UNtwo0threeone。Molecular formulaHNOthree. molecular weight6three00Is commonly usedOne of the three strong acidsStrong oxidizing andGenerality of acidsnitric acidIt can be mixed with water in any proportion.

rarenitric acid为无色Or light yellowLiquid, irritantAnd strong corrosivity, it will burn if you touch the skin,steamCan damage mucous membrane and respiratory tract.rarenitric acid会缓慢腐蚀包括聚乙烯在内的大部分Plastic bucket,因此不宜久存。

nitric acid是一种用途极广的化工product,在水处理领域,nitric acid可用作碳素钢、不锈钢设备的清洗除锈剂,用在污水、废水的氧化还原处理过程中;在污水的生物法处理过程中,可用作微生物养分中的氮(N)源等。

在电路板行业中,rarenitric acid用于配制剥锡液和处理废弃的电镀层。

nitric acid(包括rarenitric acid)属于易制爆化学品(类别three),受公安部门的管制。

IIquality standard

rarenitric acidproductMeet national standardsGB/T threethirty-seven.two-two0fourteen

term order


sixty-eight acid

50 acid

40 acid

nitric acidHNOthreeContent, % ≥




亚nitric acidHNOtwoContent,%


Burning residue % ≤


three、 Packaging and storage:

rarenitric acid用two5kgPlastic barrel or stainless steel tank

This product must be stored in a cool place, avoidSun exposureAnd high temperature.

When packed in plastic drums,Preservation periodNo more thanthreeMonths. avoidPlastic bucketOxidizedwork the mischief使用不锈钢容器装时,Preservation periodonetwo个月。