2022-03-03 469
IGeneralStateMolecular formula NatwoCOthreemolecular weightone hundred and five.ninenine。 Also known as soda ash. Light anhydroussodium carbonateWhitemobilityPowder, astringent. It is easily soluble i
2022-03-03 508
Trade name: soda ash(Dense Soda Ash)Synonymous name: anhydrous sodium carbonate(Anhydrous sodium carbonate)Other names: soda(Soda Ash)Molecular formula:NatwoCOthreemolecular weight:one hundred and fiv
2022-03-03 498
IGeneralStateMolecular formula NatwoCOthreemolecular weightone hundred and five.ninenine。 Also known as soda ash. Anhydrous pure product is white powder (light) or granular material (heavy), with astr
2022-03-03 467
Molecular formula:NiCltwo·6HtwoO, molecular weight:twothirty-seven.70, also known as nickel chloride hexahydrate.nature:This product is green monoclinic columnar crystal, and the
2022-03-03 476
Molecular formula:NiCltwo·6HtwoO, molecular weight:twothirty-seven.70。nature:This product is green monoclinic columnar crystal, densitythree.fivefive, melting point about eight0℃,stayone
2022-03-03 461
one、 Overview:Reagents of the company(Specific level)Copper sulfate was originally used to meet the requirements of a chemical liquid companyHg / tthreefive9two standard copper sulfate for electroplat
2022-03-03 471
one、 Overview:Refined oil produced by our company(Specific level)Copper sulfate is used to meet the high- quality requirements of the electronic industryHg / tthreefive9two- oneninety- nine9 standard
2022-03-03 475
1、 Overview: The copper sulfate operated by the company is the first-class or excellent copper sulfate for electroplating in line with Hg / t359two-1999 standard Products. It is a natural crystal and
2022-03-03 485
Molecular formula:NiSOfour·6HtwoO,分子量:two6two.85。 nature:本品为蓝绿色单斜柱状结晶,密度 two.07,熔点约 53℃,在 103℃失水全部结晶水。 Nickel sulfate is easily soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol and methanol. Its aqueous
2022-03-03 457
Molecular formula:NiSOfour·6HtwoO, molecular weight:two6two.eighty-five。nature:This product isblueGreen monoclinic columnar crystal, densitytwo.07,熔点约53℃,stayone hundred and three℃water lossA