158# film cleaner (without n-hexane)

2022-03-03 614

Film cleanerSEC-one5eight#It is a quick drying electrostatic cleaning agent composed of low boiling solvent. It is suitable for cleaning and removing static electricity of various silver salt films (black film) and diazo films (yellow film).本品取代含有正己烷的Film cleaner应用于印制板工业,以消除正己烷的神经毒性给使用者带来的危害。本品亦It does not contain benzene toxic substances and fluorocarbons that destroy the ozone layer.

Physicochemical properties:This product is colorless, flammable and volatile liquid with slight aromatic smell and low toxicity. Insoluble in water, with petroleum hydrocarbonsHigh dilution ratio. Boiling point abouteight0Flash point is-onesix℃。 Density about07eightThe flash point and spontaneous combustion temperature are low, which are flammable and explosive chemicals. Fireworks are strictly prohibited during use and storage.

product quality:appearance colorless liquid

density 07eight±002

Boiling range(distillate)95% (℃) sixeight-eight0

noVolatiles,% ≤0.005

water content,% ≤0.02

package Installation:20L/Bucket、oneeight.9L(5gal)/Bucketone-5L/Can, tinplate or polyethylene plastic container

This product needsdenseclosepackage装。

usage method:Wipe with dust-free cleaning paperOr spray with a sprayer before using a dustless paper.Just wipe it.

matters needing attention:

one、This product is volatile. Please cover the container and seal it after use. Otherwise, it may volatilize completely in a short time.

2、This product is flammable and has low odor. It is strictly prohibited to contact open fire and heat source; Air circulation shall be maintained in the workplace to prevent the accumulation of combustible gas.

Storage and safety:

one、This product isCategory 3.oneFlammable liquids must be protected from fireworks and away from heat sources during transportation and storage. Store in a cool and ventilated place according to the regulations on inflammables and explosives, and try to avoid large storage.

2. If this product leaks, keep ventilation to prevent flammable gas from accumulating in the air. This product loves the air

Explosion rangeone.5-7.5%

3、If this product catches fire, evacuate the personnel on site immediately and use itone2oneone灭火器灭火。


Good health. Therefore, air circulation in the workplace should be maintained as far as possible.