2022-03-02 437
one、 Overview:neutralWelding aidagentF-threethree0#yes一种由抗氧化agent烷基咪唑、优质松香树脂和neutral溶agent等配制而成of非活性松香Welding aidagent。适用于单面印刷电路板预涂和电子元件焊接,能长期保持洁净铜箔具有良好of焊接性能、防止铜箔氧化。焊接The solid is sublimated into gas
2022-03-02 450
Ibrief introductionWater sol ubl e pre fl uxEN-oneone0#OSP(Organic Sol derabil ity Preserzatl ve有机预焊)工艺是以化学of方法,在裸铜表面形成一层薄膜。这层膜具有防氧化,耐热冲击,耐湿性。因而,在PCB制造业中,OSP工艺可替代热风整平技术。OSP工艺生产ofPCB板具有更优良of平整度和翹曲度,更适应
2019-11-04 732
1、 Overview: S-718# boiling water is a general-purpose screen washing water / ink diluent prepared by dissolving at various medium boiling points. It has strong solubility and can dissolve various ty
2019-11-04 632
1、 Overview:X-46# screen washing water is a general-purpose screen washing water prepared from various fiber dissolving agents such as ethylene glycol methyl ether, propylene glycol methyl ether, ethy
2019-11-04 730
1、 Overview The scientific name is ethanol, and the molecular formula is CH3 CH2 oh Chemical properties: colorless, transparent, flammable and volatile liquid. It has the smell of wine and pungent s
2019-11-04 755
1、 Product overview: The product adopts the homopolymerization and co hydrolysis process of adding alkali before acrylamide, and is made by granulation, drying and crushing. The appearance of the pro
2019-11-04 736
1、 Overview: Molecular formula: FeSO4 • 7h 2O, molecular weight: 278.05 Ferrous sulfate is monoclinic crystal of sky blue or green, with specific gravity of 1.898 and melting point of 64 ℃. It chang