2022-03-02 441

Net washing waterSEC-9#Is a high boilingPoint strongdissolveagentISOPHONE(isophorone)bymaintransfer配而成的通用型Net washing water/Thin ink释agent, there is onesingleSome have a special smell, which is very strongstrong的dissolve解能力,能dissolve解各typeTyperingOxygen based ink and rosin based ink.对人体及其皮肤无刺激性。是一种优良的油墨清洗dissolveagent。

Physicochemical properties:本品by无色至淡黄绿色高沸点液体,低挥发性及特殊气味,其蒸气比空气重,易在低处聚集,使用场所应保持空气流通。本品有中等毒性。微dissolve于水,与石油烃具有高的稀释比。沸点约210℃。proportion0.98-1.02。 flash point95 ℃ (not a flammable chemical). Spontaneous combustion temperature≥570℃。

product quality

appearance Colorless to yellowish green liquid

chroma ≤50


Boiling range (distillate)95% , ℃ two hundred and threetwo hundred and fifteen

水dissolve解度 1%

醇dissolve解度 100%

Free acid (calculated as acetic acid),% 0.01

Nonvolatile matter,% 0.01

water content,% 0.05

Packaging And Storage 5L plastic bucket or 20L iron bucket

本品by高闪点液体,属有毒化学品It shall be stored in a cool and ventilated place and shall not be exposed to the sun or in direct contact with open fire.

本品by符合国际ring保要求的化学物质,不含(但不限于)禁用铅、汞、镉、六价铬、Six chemical substances such as PBB and PBDE.