Molecular formula:NHtwoSOthreeH
Molecular weight:ninety-seven point zero nine
CAS No:5threetwo9-onefour-6
shape: white finecrystalsolid
nature Quality:白色正交晶体;不挥发、不吸潮、无味无臭;常温时很稳定,能保持数年不变;易溶于水和液氨,在水溶液中呈强酸nature;微溶于甲醇;不溶于乙醇和乙醚。具有氨基和磺酸基双官能团,能和多种物质进行化学反应。熔点 two05℃, decomposition temperature two09℃。
use Way:use于金属清洗,清除金属表面的氧化层,在印制电路板和电镀行业use于前处理的弱腐蚀,安全nature好,特别是软nature镍的电镀前处理,可避免硫酸带入电镀槽中;对金属腐蚀比一般其它无机酸小,可use于锅炉清洗和水处理的杀菌;也可use于纤维、木材、纸张的漂白转化,去除烟草中亚硝酸盐,石油矿井淤泥酸化处理;可use作涂料和 Raw materials of pH test paper, flame retardant of cotton fiber, curing agent of resin, pesticide intermediate and raw materials of various aminosulfonic acid derivatives.
Technical indicators:(HG/T two5two7-two0oneone)
finger Subject name | IndustrylevelFirst Grade |
Main content % | ≥ 99.0 |
sulfate (SOfourtwo-)% | ≤ 0.two0 |
iron (Fethree+) % | ≤ 0.0one |
Water insoluble matter % | ≤ 0.one0 |
Drying reduction % | ≤ 0.one0 |
package Installation:Industrylevelyield品:two5kg 塑编袋内衬塑料袋。
Store Transportation:Store存在清洁干燥的库房中,防日晒雨淋,防潮湿,勿与尖锐物混装。
yield land: Shandong, China
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