Sulfur 1603

2022-03-02 423

Molecular formulabySmolecular weight3two.065。 Sulfur, also known as sulfur and sulfur yellow powder, is the conventional state of elemental sulfur.

nature:Outside观by淡黄色脆性结晶或粉末,有特殊臭味。molecular weightby3two.06,蒸汽压是0.13kPa,闪点bytwo07℃,熔点by117℃,沸点byfourfourfour.6℃,相对密度(water=1)by1.96。硫磺不溶于water,微溶于乙醇、醚,易溶于二硫化碳。是易燃固体,危险货物编号four1501,CAS登录号770four-3four-9,危险品运输编号UN1350 four.1/PG3。

Purpose:Sulfur is mainly used in sulfuric acid and also in the manufacture of dyes, pesticides, fungicides, matches, gunpowder, rayon, etc. the rubber industry is used for rubber vulcanization.

Product quality:Meet national standardsGB/Ttwofourfour9-two006的粉状硫磺的规格,主要指标如下表:

term order

Technical indicators

Superior products

First Grade

Qualified products

Sulphur(S) w/w% ≥

ninety-nine point nine five

ninety-nine point five zero


water(HtwoO) w/w% ≤




ash content w/w% ≤

zero point zero three

zero point one zero


Acidity (in)HtwoSOfour(total) w/w% ≤

zero point zero zero three

zero point zero zero five


organic compound w/w% ≤

zero point zero three

zero point zero three

zero point eight zero

Arsenic(As) w/w% ≤

zero point zero zero zero one

zero point zero zero one

zero point zero five

Packaging and storage:

two5Kg或50KgWoven bags are lined with plastic bags, with a shelf life of more than one year.
