Sodium chloride industrial salt 1603

2022-03-02 428

Molecular formulaNaClmolecular weight fifty-eight.forty-four

nature:sodium chloridehisThe commodity is usually called industrial salt or refined industrial salt,It is a white odorless crystalline powder. It tastes salty, soluble in water and absorbs heat when dissolved. melting point80one ℃, boiling point one46five ℃, densitytwo.one6five grams per cubic centimeter.

Purpose:work业盐在work业上的用途很广,yesmost重要的基本化work原料之一。go by the name of化学work业之母”。基本化学work业主要产品中的盐酸、caustic sodaSoda ashammonium chloridechlorine等主要yes用work业盐为原料生产的。

Product quality:Meet national standardsGB/T five46two-two00three精制work业盐

term order

finger mark


class a

second level

sodium chloride(NaCl) % ≥


ninety-eight point five zero

ninety-seven point five zero

water content % ≤


zero point five zero

zero point eight zero

Water insoluble matter % ≤



zero point two zero

Calcium magnesium ion %


zero point four zero

zero point six zero

Sulfate ion% ≤


zero point five zero

zero point nine zero

我司经销的work业盐产品Meet national standards精制work业盐class a品或above的品质要求。

Packaging and storage:five0公斤编织袋内衬塑料薄膜袋装。

Sealed and stored in a dry and ventilated place with a valid periodtwoyearabove

his它生活中所说的盐,yesfinger由海水、盐池、盐井和盐矿中加work提取得到的,它的主要成分yessodium chloride(NaCl),分别称为海盐、池盐、井盐和岩盐。人类的过去和未来,都yes依靠这几种盐来摄入我们必需的无机盐类。由于食盐的重要性和高利润,历代政府对食盐都采取专营政策,所以有了“官盐”和“私盐”的区别。由于营养卫生的要求,在使用原盐加work为精制盐的过程中,添加了少量碘酸钾( KIOthree)等营养物质,因而就有了“合格”与“不合格”食盐的区别。这几种盐的提法都yes政策管理上的差异,而“盐”的成分并无实质上的差别。它们的主要成分都yessodium chloride。