2019-09-23 1017
1、 Overview Trade name: dense soda ash Synonym: anhydrous sodium carbonate Other name: soda ash Molecular formula: na2c Molecular weight: 105.99 CAS No.: 497-19-8 Shape: white fine granular soli
2019-09-23 702
1、 GeneralState: Sodium persulfate has molecular formula Na2S2O8 and molecular weight 238.18. It is white monoclinic crystal or powder with a specific gravity of 2.357. It is easily soluble in water.
2019-09-23 562
White water prevention I. overview Its scientific name is butoxyethanol and its molecular formula isC6H14O2。 CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-O-CH2-CH2-OH。 Physicochemical properties: This product is a colorless flam
2019-09-23 561
one. overview 固体氨基磺酸镍的分子式为Ni(SO3NH2 )2 ·4H2 O。为绿色结晶或粉末,易溶于水,是溶解度最大的镍盐之one,主要应用于功能性电镀及电铸。商品氨基磺酸镍为深绿色浓缩液,是低应力镍电镀的主盐。2、 Technical indicators(GB/T23847-2009) Project indicators
2019-09-23 612
one. overview 固体氨基磺酸镍的分子式为Ni(SO3NH2 )2 ·4H2 O。为绿色结晶或粉末,易溶于水,是溶解度最大的镍盐之one,主要应用于功能性电镀及电铸。商品氨基磺酸镍为深绿色浓缩液,是低应力镍电镀的主盐。2、 Technical indicators(GB/T23847-2009) Project indicators
2019-09-23 555
1、 Overview Screen washing water s-8# was originally a screen cleaning solution specially customized by menrongxin circuit board Co., Ltd. The main advantages of butane solvent are its moderate boili
2019-09-23 628
PM diluent I. overview The molecular formula is c6h13o3, also known as methoxypropanol (M.P.). Colorless and low toxic flammable liquid, basically odorless, belongs to environmental protection solven
2019-09-23 597
1、 Overview The molecular formula isCsixHthirteenOthree, also known as methoxypropanol acetate(M.P.A.)。分子量:14six.0 物化性质:无色极低毒易燃液体,基本上无气味,属于环保型溶剂,用于取代乙二醇乙醚醋酸酯作为感光油墨稀释剂。沸点(7six0mmHg)14six℃;开杯闪点为4six.5℃