Nickel sulfamate concentrate 1

2019-09-23 565

one. overview

固体氨基磺酸镍的分子式为Ni(SO3NH2 )2 ·4H2 O。为绿色结晶或粉末,易溶于水,是溶解度最大的镍盐之one,主要应用于功能性电镀及电铸。商品氨基磺酸镍为深绿色浓缩液,是低应力镍电镀的主盐。

2、 Technical indicators(GB/T23847-2009)

Project indicators

优等品 one等品

Nickel (Ni), g / L ≥ 180

Cobalt (CO), mg / L ≤ 50 100

Copper (Cu), mg / L ≤ 5 10

Iron (FE), mg / L ≤ 10 15

Lead (PB), mg / L ≤ 5 10

Nitrate (calculated by N03), mg / L ≤ 850 1000

Sulfate (calculated as SO4), mg / L ≤ 5 10

Free ammonia (calculated by NH3), mg / L ≤ 120 150

Density, g / ml ≥ 1.52

PH value 4.0-4.8

3、 Packaging and storage:


This product can be stored for a long time. If the temperature is too low, nickel sulfamate tetrahydrate will crystallize and precipitate, which can be dissolved and used at elevated temperature.

4、 Others:

Our company is the first manufacturer to supply domestic nickel sulfamate concentrate in China. In the initial stage, we entrusted a factory in Jiangxi to produce it. In 2009, it was officially produced by Yongding Haohua inorganic salt Co., Ltd.