Nickel chloride

2019-09-23 738

1、 Overview

Molecular formula: NiCl2 · 6H2O, molecular weight: 237.70.

Properties: This product is a green monoclinic columnar crystal with a density of 3.55, a melting point of about 80 ℃, and an anhydrous salt of yellowish brown powder after water loss at 140 ℃. Nickel chloride crystals are easily deliquescent in humid air and easily weathered in dry air.

Nickel chloride is easily soluble in water, and the aqueous solution is slightly acidic.

2、 Purpose:

The electroplating industry is used for nickel plating, tin nickel alloy plating, electroforming nickel, electroless nickel plating, zinc plating and other solutions. The chemical industry is used for manufacturing nickel salt, preservative, nickel contact coal, etc., as well as developing ink and analytical reagent. Its anhydrous substance is used as ammonia absorbent in gas mask.

Nickel chloride is a chemical dangerous goods with allergic hazards, serial number 1473, UN No: 3288, CAS No: 7718-54-9.

3、 Product quality: in line with national standardsGB/T 26522-2011:

Test items

Standard requirements


Green granular crystal

Content (NiCl2 · 6H2O),

% ≥


Content (Ni),

% ≥


Cobalt (CO),

% ≤

zero point zero zero five

Copper (Cu),

% ≤

zero point zero zero one

Iron (FE),

% ≤

zero point zero zero two

Lead (PB),

% ≤

zero point zero zero two

Cadmium (CD),

% ≤

zero point zero zero one

Arsenic (as),

% ≤

zero point zero zero two

Chromium (CR),

% ≤

zero point zero zero one

Sulfate (calculated as SO2-4),

% ≤

zero point five

Water insoluble matter,

% ≤

zero point zero one

4、 Packaging and storage:

Nickel chloride is packaged as follows:

25 kg per package, 40 bags per pallet, 1000 kg in total.

It should be sealed and stored in a cool, dry and ventilated place with a validity period of more than two years.