2022-03-02 477
Molecular formulabyNatwoS. Molecular weight 78.04。nature:Sodium sulfideby红褐色片状或块状固体,具有臭味。无水Sodium sulfide比重byone.856(one4℃),熔点byoneone80℃。 Industrial products are generally hydrate of nine crystal wat
2022-03-02 479
be commonly called Polyaluminum, polyaluminium chloride, basic aluminum chloride, molecular formula—Altwo(OH)nCl6-n·XHtwo0—。nature:Polyaluminium chlorideIt is an inorganic polymer compound, which is b
2022-03-02 487
English name: ferric polysulfateMolecular formula: Physicochemical properties: There are solid and liquid. The liquid is a reddish brown viscous liquid. Solid is a light yellow particle with relat
2022-03-02 486
Molecular formula,(C3H5NO)n , monomermolecular weight:71.07, actualmolecular weight从数百万到数千万不等。nature:Polyacrylamide(PAM) is water solubleHigh molecular polymer, insoluble in most organic solvents, ha
2022-03-02 475
Basic water purification coagulant is a high-tech environmental protection technology product successfully developed in combination with years of wastewater treatment practice. The product is continuo
2022-03-02 486
Commodity name:Bleaching waterMolecular formula:NaClOMolecular weight:seventy-four point four fourCAS No:768one-52-9shape:Light yellow liquidnature Quality:次氯酸钠溶液是次氯酸钠的溶解液,微黄色溶液,有似氯气的气味,有非常刺鼻的气味,极不稳定,
2022-03-02 468
1、 Introduction:Acid etching solutionSEC--one hundred and six#It is a concentrated etching solution mainly composed of sodium chlorate and added with special formula for chlorinationCopper etching oxi
2022-03-02 443
one、 IntroductionSEC -- onetwenty-nine# alkaline etching solution is a special product specially designed for thin line etching in circuit board manufacturing industry. It has the characteristics of h
2022-03-02 472
Ibrief introductionSEC-onesixty#It is a new type of single liquid acid etching solution, which has the characteristics of simple control, low hydrochloric acid content, fast etching rate and high copp
2022-03-02 514
one、 OverviewMicro etchantMicet Salt-threetwo6#是一种专为印刷电路板电镀前处理而配制的固体Micro etchant,其主要成分为酸性过硫酸盐,它能迅速将铜箔腐蚀成一个均匀粗糙的表面。性能稳定,易于清洗,对水质无特别要求。Micro etchantMicet Salt-threetwo6#It can also be used in other pro