2019-09-23 685
1、 Overview: Properties: This product is a colorless transparent liquid with strong pungent smell. It can be dissolved in water and has strong alkalinity. It can neutralize with acids. It can absorb
2019-09-23 569
Sodium hydroxide (flake caustic soda)Molecular formula:NaOH Physicochemical properties:This product is a flake white solid. It is highly hygroscopic, easily soluble in water and strongly exothermic.
2019-09-23 578
Sodium hydroxide (flake caustic soda)Molecular formula:NaOH Physicochemical properties:This product is a flake white solid. It is highly hygroscopic, easily soluble in water and strongly exothermic.
2019-09-23 639
sodium hydroxide(Sodium hydroxide)Molecular formulaNaOH,molecular weightfour0.00。nature:This product is a flake white solid. It is highly hygroscopic, easily soluble in water and strongly exothermic.
2019-09-23 618
1、 Overview Molecular formula: NaOH, molecular weight: 40.00, commonly known as caustic soda and caustics. Properties: solid products are granular, highly hygroscopic, easily soluble in water, and s
2019-09-23 607
1、 Overview Molecular formula H3BO3 molecular weight 61.83 boric acid is actually a hydrate of boron oxide (B2O3. 3H2O). It is a white powder crystal with greasy feel and tasteless. Specific gravity
2019-09-23 633
1、 GeneralState: Sodium persulfate has molecular formula Na2S2O8 and molecular weight 238.18. It is white monoclinic crystal or powder with a specific gravity of 2.357. It is easily soluble in water.
2019-09-23 591
1、 Overview Molecular formula: (NH4) 2S2O8, molecular weight: 228.18. Properties: colorless monoclinic crystal or white crystalline powder. Specific gravity 1.982. Heat or moisture will decompose an
2019-09-23 703
1、 OverviewIndicative formula: CH3COOH, relative molecular weight 60.0five.Properties: acetic acid, also known as acetic acid (36% - 38%), glacial acetic acid (98%), chemical formula CH3COOH, is an or
2019-09-23 1052
1、 Overview: The company's production of reagent sulfuric acid began in 1998. It is a supporting project for the joint venture production of refined nickel sulfate with Great Wall company. In 19